Tell your life story

In your words and in your voice.

I guide you through an engaging and supportive process and make a high quality audio recording of your life story. It’s like a podcast, made just for you.

This recording preserves your family history and the special moments of your life, for you and for the people you love.

A gift of legacy.

WHY record your life storY

Every life story is remarkable. A life story is made up of how we experience the world, the triumphs and challenges, and the people and situations that change us. It is also in our values, the choices we make, the beliefs that guide us and the people we love.

When we can no longer talk with the people we love, one of the things we miss most, is the sound of their voice.


  • First we talk through what you would like to share, what’s involved, and the service that best suits your needs. Then I work with you to understand your life’s timeline. From there, I create a full interview focussed around your life and the moments that you most want to share.

  • We use a quiet space to do the interviews - this can be online, or in person at your home, or in a recording studio in Melbourne.

    I record your interview an hour at a time, until your story is complete.

    The interview process is a gentle guided process that is designed to be a fun and interesting exploration of your life.

    You don’t need to prepare anything in advance.

    You get to reminisce and I’ll help you to share your memories in a structure that creates a story.

  • The goal of the editing process is to produce a final recording that you can feel proud of. Something that accurately represents your life, your values and experiences.

    I take initial editing directions from you. Then I remove all the “ums”, “ahhs” and awkward moments to present you with a high quality life story recording. At this point you get to listen to the whole thing to see if it feels right to you. You can request changes to anything you don’t like before I finalise your recording.

  • In the end you receive a high quality digital recording. Inside a beautifully presented Memory Lane gift box will be either a USB or USBC Flash Drive, depending on your preference technology. Your USB will be password protected and engraved with your name, so your story will never be lost.

    My aim is to make it easy for you to tell your story, while I record it for you and your loved ones. It’s always your voice, your words and your story.

    Your family history is a true gift of legacy for generations to come.

Your story facilitator

My name is Nina and I’m a story facilitator.

Since 2019, I’ve been helping people tell their life stories.

I created Memory Lane to record family histories and preserve the life stories of the people we love.

I look forward to working with you.

PAT’s Story

I worked with Pat in 2019. Pat was a vibrant storyteller who had lived a long and full life. He wanted to share his life’s story and leave a legacy for his family.

You can see a snapshot of Pat’s story below.

Great interview Questions to ask people you love

This is a small sample of the thoughtful questions we can explore as part of a Memory Lane Life Story.

  • Thinking back to your childhood, tell me how a typical Sunday would start?

    What would happen during the day?

    Who would be there?

    What foods would you eat on Sunday?

  • Who was the best cook in your house when you were a child?

    What could you smell when they were cooking your favourite meal?

    What foods were made on special occasions?

    Now as an adult, is there anything you regularly cook that you learned from your parents?

  • Tell me about when and why you left home?

    What did you take with you for your first place?

    Describe to me what your first place was like?

    Tell me about your first year out of home - how did it go for you?

  • Thinking about your life’s great love(s), tell me what your first impression of them was?

    How did you meet?

    Tell me about the first year of your romance - what happened?

    What was special about this person, that made you want to share time together?

  • When you look back now across your life, what moments fill you with the most joy to recall?

    What do you wish someone wise had told you, when you were twenty?

    Do you believe in a life’s purpose and if so, what does this mean to you?

    What did you draw on to support yourself through the hardest of times?

Contact us

Phone 03 9112 5772


Location: Melbourne, Australia

Frequently asked QUESTIONS

  • We can record either in your home, in a recording studio in Melbourne, or online. Each option has pros and cons. Your preference and comfort is the aim. Let’s talk through the options so you can let me know what you prefer.

  • The final product is a high quality digital recording. Inside a beautifully presented Memory Lane gift box will be either a USB or USBC Flash Drive, depending on your preference technology. Your USB will be engraved with your name, so your story will never be lost.

  • Your recording can be anything you would like. We can work together individually, or you can have family members feature in the recording. I have recorded cross-generational family members interviewing each other and couples that wanted to be interviewed together. Likewise I’ve worked with individuals. Talk to me about what you would like.

  • It is possible to add a file of family photos to the final product, if they are in a digital form.

    In the final product, I can only use music that I have purchased a licence for, unless it is owned by, or licensed to you.